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Houston County Lake Trip A

Two pages of pictures for this trip

Houston County Lake Trip
Kayaks in a row

I'm not much of a picture taker.  Should have taken my camera with me all the time...but...lash me with a wet noodle...I didn't.  I dashed off these pictures in the afternoon when most people were in.  I'm not sure how many people were still out at this time.  More kayaks in the distance belong to another group.  Several groups were there...all were easy to get along with.


Man...I flagellate myself daily because  I didn't get a bunch of good pictures.  This is really a nice kayak fishing lake.  Lots of stumps.  Pretty clear water.  Those who didn't come missed a good trip.  Hopefully we will have more in the future.  Time and distance...it's a killer.


Just another picture of the kayaks.  I think at least three were still out at this time.  The building in the background is the office and restaurant.  Surprisingly good food.  To the right was some boat docks with a deck at the end where many people fished.  I caught lots of small crappie of that deck from about 2:00am till 6:00am.  I couldn't sleep....excited as a three legged cat at a dog fight.


We had two beautiful days to fish.  Little wind, smooth water, schooling bass.  The flyfishermen were doing good.  The third day, sunday, the cold front came through.  It was windy and cold.  I went on out before everybody and caught 7 bass.  When I came back in everybody was gone.  Just one advantage of a sit in kayak.